Imperial Brands
UX & UI Design
Trade App is a custom CRM solution that improves customer experience and user management.
Number of users
Number of registered customers
40 000+
Launched in
3 months
Our client came up with a challenge – how to improve lead conversion at the point of product sale and optimize collaboration with external partners. To find the answer, we developed Trade App.
The app interfaces with the client's internal systems to provide reporting and data storage. And because Trade App actively works with user and customer data, it was important to ensure that it was as secure as possible.
Trade App Offers:
– User education
– Customer registration
– Complaints system
– Points system
– Administration
– Promotions management
– Data analytics
Rád bych touto cestou doporučil firmu Make it Run, která vytvořila webovou aplikaci pro naši společnost. Pracovníci firmy projevili velkou odbornost. Byli velmi ochotní a přizpůsobili se mým požadavkům a potřebám, a dokázali včas dodat výsledný produkt.
Project manager
Jan Novák
Back to Case Studies
Martina Ulrichová
+420 777 666 999